The world is bracing for the Sixth Middle East war if UNGA’s Oct2023 resolution is being ignored

When bombings inflicting heavy fatalities between Palestine and Israel continued into the forth week, the world is bracing for the Sixth Middle East war. The negative sentiment was reflected in major stock-market indices , and the surge in prices of gold and crude oil etc.
Since the Gaza war started,

  • the S&P500 has tumbled -4.5%
  • the gold price has shot up by more than 9%
  • Crude Oil price has gone up by more than 3%

Last Friday’s closing numbers are as follows:
major indices closed on 2023-1027

After the Fifth Middle East war in 1982, attention to this region’s incubating conflict has been relatively muted. With the recent high profile bombings flared up, media reporting worldwide is refocusing back to this epi-center.
Last Friday, the United Nation General Assembly passed a resolution with a majority votes of 120-14, calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza. Since US and Israel voted against it, this non-binding UNGA resolution will hardly be enforced anytime soon.
written by George Seah Singapore
(for my blog)

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