Monthly Archives: November 2017


普洛斯收购献议(Scheme of arrangement resolution)今早以 高票通过这项由厚朴基金(Hopu Investment)、高瓴资本(Hillhouse Capital Management)、SMG Eastern Limited、中国银行和万科地产(香港)组成的财团(Nesta)投资控股提出的收购案。 收购价是新元每股S$3.38,如果一切顺利,股东预期将在明年一月十九日收获现金。 在场股东们鼓掌欢呼称这是一个新年大红包。会后,普洛斯股价微起,收市报$3.35。 随着中国实施资本管制,这项总市值约新币160亿元的收购案是否会出现变数,仍有细小的不确定性。 Today also marked a perfect arithmetic climb for the DJI index. It crossed the important 24,000 marks. This means that from last Nov below 18,000 points just … Continue reading

Posted in 958, financial investment, george seah, george seah singapore, Global Logistic, Lim Tan, Scheme of arrangement, shares, singapore, 收购献议, 普洛斯, 佘文发, 佘文发 新加坡 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SGX lunch break starts today, with the bid size and range adjustment.

View the changes to SGX trading system from today (click here) Today is also the trading debut day for Razer Inc at HKSE under stock code: 1337, It is listed at an IPO price of HK$3.88 per share. The price … Continue reading

Posted in 958, financial investment, george seah, george seah singapore, Lim Tan, properties (real estate), shares, singapore, 佘文发, 佘文发 新加坡 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment