UK votes to leave EU

The result is out, UK will leave EU as the “vote to leave” referendum garnered the simple majority at about 1pm SG time.

uk voted to leave EU

final result

The stock markets world-wide were unprepared for the surprising result, judging from the UK media polls before the day of referendum.

At the time of the result announcement,
HK HSI dropped almost 5% then recovering;
Japan Nikkei 225 dropped almost 8%;
Shanghai Composite Index dropped 1.2%;
Singapore STI also down 2.3%;

Click here to get a list of local companies which have significant earning/ asset exposure to UK and more

All eyes are now on the FTSE 100 index and the US markets’ reaction when they open trading later part of the day.
(P.S. The major US and European indexes’ closing numbers were inserted herein.)

What’s next?
UK PM David Cameron has announced his resignation by Oct2016. His successor will have to activate Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, for the exit negotiation. (ref: BBC & The Telegraph news respectively)

Is Brexit heading to the sea? Hopefully NOT! (click here)
*pic caption edited from an open source Whatsapp image.
brexit 1

Edited by George Seah Singapore
(for my blog)

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